2024 Service Team Application

2024 Service Team Application

Older homeschooled teens and homeschool grads are invited to join this year’s Service Team at the AFHE Convention July 12-13, 2024.

Thank you for your interest in serving at the 2024 AFHE Home Education Convention on the Youth Service Team. This volunteer team is made up of homeschooled teens age 14+ and homeschool graduates.

IMPORTANT: By completing this form, you are letting us know that you are interested in serving. Submitting this form does not complete your registration for the convention.

PARENTS WANTING TO VOLUNTEER: Please complete the main Convention Volunteer application. Service Team application is for homeschooled teens and graduates only.


How old will you be at the time of the Convention, July 11-13, 2024?

Please provide the best email for us to reach the youth applicant.
This should be a number you (the student) will be using during the Convention.
Homeschool Status

If you are under the age of 18, you must have a parent or another designated adult who is registered for the Convention and present on site who is responsible for you in the case of an emergency.

Parents or a designated adult are responsible for the well-being and safety of their children and teens during the convention, not the AFHE Board of Directors, Convention Committee, or Convention Volunteers.

Youth whose parents are attending the convention can respond N/A.
Parent’s First Name
Parent’s Last Name
Designated Adult First Name
Designated Adult Last Name
Please provide this if different from the email provided above.
Please provide if different from the phone number entered above.
Schedule Availability

Feel free to share any additional information about your interest in volunteering or things we should know about you as a candidate to volunteer on the Service Team at this year's AFHE Convention.

Terms of Agreement

By submitting a volunteer application, I confirm that I am eligible to join the Youth Service Team (age 14+, homeschool student or grad, and my family has an AFHE membership). I also acknowledge that I have read the “Essential Service Team Info” posted at afhe.org/convention-volunteers, including the dress code, requirements, and code of conduct, and I agree to comply with all guidelines and requirements for volunteers.

I support AFHE's philosophy and vision for promoting and preserving parent-led, privately funded home education.

I confirm that I am fit to serve and there is no moral or legal reason that would prohibit me from volunteering at the AFHE Convention.