Used Curriculum Sale Donation Used Curriculum Sale Donation Thank You for Supporting Homeschool Families in Arizona! Your donation of gently used curriculum makes a real difference. By contributing to our annual used curriculum sale, you’re helping budget-minded families access quality materials at affordable prices while funding essential financial assistance for homeschool families in need. Together, we’re building a stronger homeschool community—thank you for your generosity! Please fill out the form below and one of our ambassadors will be in contact with you to arrange pickup. What can I donate? Mostly unmarked, or unused Homeschool curriculum (textbooks, workbooks and teacher guides) Reading books (stories for new readers, elementary chapter books, and classic literature) Complete puzzles and games Science equipment Encyclopedias Books on how to homeschool, parenting, money management, nutrition, or hobby books CDs / DVDs / Blu-ray (no VHS) NO public school materials Donor Info First Name * Last Name Cell Phone * Permission to text you at the cell number above? Yes No Donor Email * Pickup Location City * Major Cross Streets * Please provide a picture of all the donated items together so we can guage the amount of space needed to transport it to the sale Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB Curriculum Description Keep me up to date on the AFHE Used Curriculum Sale in the future Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.